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深圳市福田区霍芯电子商行 > 新闻动态 > ALLEGRO 新一代霍尔单极开关

ALLEGRO 新一代霍尔单极开关

发布时间: 2014/9/5 10:57:40 | 413 次阅读

A1101, A1102, A1103, A1104, and A1106: Continuous-Time Switch Family

The Allegro A1101-A1104 and A1106 Hall-effect switches are next generation replacements for the popular Allegro 312x and 314x lines of unipolar switches. The A110x family, produced with BiCMOS technology, consists of devices that feature fast power-on time and low-noise operation. Device programming is performed after packaging, to ensure increased switchpoint accuracy by eliminating offsets that can be induced by package stress. Unique Hall element geometries and low-offset amplifiers help to minimize noise and to reduce the residual offset voltage normally caused by device overmolding, temperature excursions, and thermal stress.

The A1101-A1104 and A1106 Hall-effect switches include the following on a single silicon chip: voltage regulator, Hall-voltage generator, small-signal amplifier, Schmitt trigger, and NMOS output transistor. The integrated voltage regulator permits operation from 3.8 to 24 V. The extensive on-board protection circuitry makes possible a ±30 V absolute maximum voltage rating for superior protection in automotive and industrial motor commutation applications, without adding external components. All devices in the family are identical except for magnetic switchpoint levels.

The small geometries of the BiCMOS process allow these devices to be provided in ultrasmall packages. The package styles available provide magnetically optimized solutions for most applications. Package LH is an SOT23W, a miniature low-profile surface-mount package, while package UA is a three-lead ultramini SIP for through-hole mounting. Each package is lead (Pb) free, with 100% matte tin plated leadframes.

Part Number Package Type Temperature

A1101ELHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 85°C

A1101EUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 85°C

A1101LLHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 150°C

A1101LUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 150°C

A1102ELHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 85°C

A1102EUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 85°C

A1102LLHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 150°C

A1102LUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 150°C

A1103ELHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 85°C

A1103LLHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 150°C

A1103LUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 150°C

A1104EUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 85°C

A1104LLHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 150°C

A1104LUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 150°C

A1106LLHLU-T n/a -20°C to 85°C

A1106EUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 85°C

A1106LLHLT-T 3-lead SOT -40°C to 150°C

A1106LUA-T 3-lead SIP -40°C to 150°C


霍尔效应开关常用于感应位置,因为它们需要一个强度足够的南极来打开输出,然后清除该磁场以关闭输出。 这些无接点传感解决方案只需要很少的外部组件,并能承受汽车应用的严酷操作条件。 典型应用包括: 换档选择器、雨刮器结束/起始位置、车门半开/打开和叶片中断系统。 Allegro 还提供各种双线式器件,这些器件通常用于对安全有极大影响的应用(如安全带带扣和座椅位置感应)。

Allegro 解决方案的具体优点包括:

用于偏移取消的 4× 稳定斩波可提供: 更高的开关点稳定性(提高测量电动机转速或占空比的度),和行业的抖动性能(比 竞争对手的器件 高出两倍)
低电压(3 伏特)操作和较低的 ICC,让器件更加高效节能
Allegro 提供的器件灵敏度可满足几乎所有应用要求。